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Through a guide based on the interpretation of ISO 19011:2018 guidelines, develop, establish and manage audit programmes and processes aligned with the Plan – Do – Check – Act cycle that allow you to:

Evaluate, verify and follow up the conformity and compliance with the requirements established by ISO standards, legal or regulatory requirements, customer and stakeholder requirements, and the organization’s own requirements.

Confirm the effectiveness of the implementation of management systems within organizations, regardless of their size or sector.

Identify the fundamental elements for conducting opening and closing audit meetings; for drafting audit findings; and for following up on the attention and closure of findings.

Determine and evaluate risks and opportunities of the audit programs; to prevent possible failures and ensure their effective execution and continuous improvement.




14 hours (45 days limit to complete the course).




100% online 




Aimed at anyone interested in auditing management systems with a high-level structure based on processes within an organization:

        • Managers / implementers of management systems within organizations.
        • Process managers / leaders.
        • Administrators, supervisors, managers and directors of an organization’s management systems.
        • Internal, external and certification auditors.
        • Consultants.
        • Personnel interested in conducting first, second and third party audits.


Required competency or knowledge prerequisites:

        • Experience in the implementation of management systems.
        • Knowledge or implementation of the clauses / requirements of the management systems or standards to be assessed in the audit.




    4.5 h of video.

    12  Exercises and activities.

    4  Lists for evaluating compliance and implementation of the audit guidelines.

      4  Lists of recommended actions for the proper implementation of the audit guidelines.

     4  Lists of common deviations and errors in implementing the audit guidelines.

    Tool for the evaluation of risks and opportunities of the audit programme.

     23  Downloadable materials and supplementary information resources.




Login to the course contents that we offer you free of charge and learn with the experts in a digital environment of the highest existing quality for management systems.

Available through “COURSE CURRICULUM” at the bottom of this page.




Upon successful completition of the course, you are issued with an electronic certificate posting the Global Standards seal, indicating  accredited competence, recognition and curricular value.




Register easily by following these steps:

1. Click on “TAKE THIS COURSE”, register your username, password, required information and log in.

2. Select your payment, billing method, and place order.

3. Once you receive the payment confirmation, click on “START COURSE”.


You are now ready to start your online learning experience, welcome!






Course Curriculum

0 | Introduction
Intro | Course description, usability and materials 00:10:00
1 | Purpose and field of application
1 | Introduction FREE 00:02:00
1.1 | General information on ISO 19011 FREE 00:16:00
1.2 | Background FREE 00:10:00
1.3 | Scope of application FREE 00:05:00
1.4 | PDCA cycle in the application of ISO 19011 FREE 00:15:00
Unit 1 | Supporting information 00:10:00
Unit 1 | Assessment 00:12:00
2 | Normative References
2 | Normative References 00:10:00
3 | Terms and definitions
3 | Terms and definitions 00:40:00
Unit 3 | Assessment 00:08:00
4 | Principles of auditing
4 | Introduction 00:03:00
4 | Principles of auditing 00:55:00
Unit 4 | Supporting information 00:15:00
Unit 4 | Assessment 00:05:00
5 | Managing an audit programme
5 | Introduction 00:02:00
5.1 | General 00:22:00
5.2 | Establishing audit programme objectives 00:15:00
5.3 | Determining and evaluating audit programme risks and opportunities 00:50:00
5.4 | Establishing the audit programme 00:40:00
5.5 | Implementing audit programme 01:10:00
5.6 | Monitoring audit programme 00:10:00
5.7 | Reviewing and improving audit programme 00:10:00
Unit 5 | Supporting information 00:25:00
Unit 5 | Assessment 00:10:00
6 | Conducting an audit
6 | Introduction 00:02:00
6.1 | General 00:10:00
6.2 | Initiating audit 00:15:00
6.3 | Preparing audit activities 01:10:00
6.4 | Conducting audit activities 01:25:00
6.5 | Preparing and distributing audit report 00:15:00
6.6 | Completing audit 00:06:00
6.7 | Conducting audit follow-up 00:30:00
Unit 6 | Supporting Information 00:25:00
Unit 6 | Assessment 00:10:00
7 | Competence and evaluation of auditors
7 | Introduction 00:02:00
7.1 | General 00:15:00
7.2 | Determining auditor competence 00:40:00
7.3 | Establishing auditor evaluation criteria 00:05:00
7.4 | Selecting appropriate auditor evaluation method 00:05:00
7.5 | Conducting auditor evaluation 00:15:00
7.6 | Maintaining and improving auditor competence 00:08:00
Unit 7 | Supporting Information 00:25:00
Unit 7 | Assessment 00:10:00
Final considerations
Conclusion | ISO 19011 Guidelines for auditing management systems 00:03:00

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